4 years and counting!
Hello Friends, Family, and Supporters,
In the blink of an eye 2016 came to and end and 2017 began…now sure how or when…but it did!
Our apologies with not getting a monthly update out sooner, but as many of you know December was another challenging month health wise, this time for Jill. Toward the beginning of December Jill went to the medical clinic here in Sucua with excruciating pain throughout her body. Through testing Jill was found to have a UTI and was admitted and started antibiotics and medication for the pain. She ended up passing a kidney stone while in the clinic, but continued to be in pain. The doctor did another ultrasound and found that she had a gallstone, but said that wasn’t what was causing the pain. He said there wasn’t much more he could do for her here in Sucua. Roberto was able to get some recommendations for a doctor in Cuenca (a bigger city about 6 hours from us) and we rented a small airplane that took us straight to Cuenca, as the curvy, mountainous, bus ride wasn’t going to be safe for Jill. We went directly to the urology clinic where they did some additional testing and the infection was found to have traveled to Jill’s kidney and in her bloodstream. They started some heavy antibiotics and pain medication and Jill was feeling better within a few hours. The doctor said that she would need to have her gallbladder removed. After a few days in Cuenca we returned back home. Jill continued with antibiotics, rest, and LOTS of liquids!
All the sudden it was Christmas Eve! We hosted a small Christmas Eve dinner here at our house with some of Roberto’s family, a friend from Quito, and another couple here in Sucua that didn’t have a place for the holidays. We worked as a team and pulled off our first ever turkey (it was delicious), and some other delicious side dishes. Dinner was a success, but Jill was exhausted! We enjoyed Christmas morning with the boys and opened a few gifts, and then enjoyed some time with Roberto’s family. Needless to say that after being out of routine for a couple weeks, and the high emotions of Christmas we all crashed later that day!
We enjoyed the time with family over Christmas and New Years. It’s really the only time ALL of Roberto’s family gets together. New Years we went to Shell (where Roberto’s grandma lives) and everyone gathered for fun games, laughter, great food, a dessert competition (which we won for best taste), and time together!
After the New Year festivities we decided to go to Ambato (not far from Shell) and get a second opinion regarding Jill’s situation. The doctor also recommended surgery. While we’ve looked in cleanses, and other natural remedies, the reality is, is that we live 6 hours from a GOOD hospital and if anything were to go wrong we would be in a really tough spot. After praying through options we’ve decided that Jill will have her gallbladder removed this month (January 21).
We were about finished with the newsletter and almost ready to send, and over the weekend (Saturday Jan. 14) our house was broken into and several electronics were stolen, along with clothes, cash, and other things. It was a shocking situation to come home to after a wonderful Saturday afternoon at the park. We were able to track Jill’s Mac, but located it in QUITO! Without being there ourselves, the situation became more difficult and we have been unable to recover any of the stolen items. We talked with the house owner and he is paying to have an outside security fence installed, and we are paying for an indoor security system. We have always known that we are a target with Jill being from the U.S., but it shows that we have to always be careful. Please pray that God would give us peace of mind again, and continue to protect us. We are so grateful that we weren’t home, or coming home when it happened. We are thankful none of the boys things (toys or clothes) were touched, as it could have been more traumatic for them.
So with ALL of that going on, we got a little behind work wise and had/and are having to take some time and catch up on paperwork, projects, and meetings!
Please be in prayer for our family’s health this next year! 2016 was a difficult year, but God used it to teach us some valuable lessons, and one of those was getting our family better healthcare!
Thank you for those who have helped us out financially during this trying season.
Please read more to hear what is going on ministry wise!
Blessings to all in this new year!
Roberto, Jill, Jeremy, and Joshua
PS…we apologize this newsletter doesn’t have any pictures, as most were in our computers that were stolen.
Ministry Update:
While the last 6 weeks have been busy with more personal type of things, we have been able to “work” from home. Sometimes our office is the house, and our roles changes from constructor/carpenter to coordinator or CPA.
Jill has continued to meet with the web designer on the website and things are starting to take shape and form! We are really excited for the big reveal, but you will have to wait a little longer!
Jill was able to get out all of the year end reports, if you think you should be getting one from Fundacion Rescate and have not please EMAIL US. If you have given through Extreme Response, you will get a letter and report from them directly.
We have also had time to connect with both team leaders that are coming down this next year with teams from Oak Pointe Church and Life Church Livonia. The logistics for both teams are coming along wonderfully, and we are excited for all the physical work that will get done, but also how excited to see how God will work in our own lives and the lives of each team member.
We are still open for teams in August, September, and late October, and November!! If you would like to come down and serve individually or with a team, CONTACT US! We will help you each step of the way from fundraising, travel plans, work project, and lodging/food. etc!
Royal Throne Update:
We have 1 bathroom donated, and we would LOVE to get 3 more donated so Roberto and the contract worker can do all the bathrooms at the same time, and before our first team comes down at the end of February.
Each bathroom will cost $350….if you, your small group, business, or church are willing to donate a bathroom, please CONTACT US or in your donation put BATHROOM in the MEMO LINE.